Saturday, April 7, 2007

Little interview

Salam to all,

Following the kidnapping of 2 french aid workers, and while we slowly dig the increasing insecurity sadly promised to us in Afghanistan this year, find a little interview I did with the french news site In french of course (sorry guys...) Thanks Marion ;-),1-0@2-3216,36-892470@51-799721,0.html


Chloe C said...

Hey Mario,

Great to hear a little bit about where you are and what you are doing!
Congrats for the engagement - look forward to more news on that front.
Likewise, I apologise for lack of news also..
I can't believe you are in Afghanistan! I was so suprised to see that you have changed continents.
I am still in Paris and still lookikng for a real job! ha ha. I think you would be enjoying the warm up to the elections. They are quite exciting lots of activity and manif. here is a link you might enjoy:
Well, let us know more of your news when you get the chance. gros bisous
Chloe xx

Cyn Follrich said...

Hello Mario,

Here is the link to Google machine translation (beta version) of the LeMonde interview into English...sketchy, but I could understand the basic idea of your comments.,1-0%402-3216,36-892470%4051-799721,0.html&sa=X&oi=translate&resnum=1&ct=result&prev=/search%3Fq%3D,1-0%25402-3216,36-892470%254051-799721,0.html%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26hs%3D5Dm

Some interesting word choices come through... (if the link doesn't work, put the original link into Google and in the search results page click "Translate this page")

I used the same link to read other translated pages of the paper about the kidnappings, prisoner exchange, and execution of the interpreter. We hear little of this (or earthquakes!) in US (unless I search FOX-News after I get information from you or Trayle).

Thank you and keep safe!
Much love,
(Trayle's Momma)